My nephew died today

The newest member of the Bertolli family, Anthony, born April 9, 2007, died today of SIDS. The family was going out of town for the weekend and went in to get him up from his nap and he had stopped breathing. What was supposed to be a fun getaway weekend has turned into the worst day of our lives. My sister and husband are hysterical and the rest of us are pretty wrecked. Here I am, crying, unable to sleep and typing furiously just to keep myself busy. This is a reminder that we must treat those we love with gratitude and affection because they could be gone from our lives in an instant. I only wish I could wake up from this and find out it was just a bad dream - the worst nightmare I could have. But I WILL have to wake up and life WILL go on. I know this in my head, but my heart is screaming to stop the pain.