Deer vs. Car

By Tyler Pendleton As winter sets in, many great things come with it. The holiday season, hot cocoa by the fire, and bonding with family. The cold season brings many good things, but it also brings the bad. Part of that bad is the great rise in cars hitting deers. The furry creatures are much more active in the colder season, greatly increasing the amount of accidents caused by deer. Driving in dawn and dusk are major risks, as this is the main time of activity by the animals. With the cover of darkness, they are harder to spot. They use this to move from place to place safely, but it also makes it harder for drivers to see a buck or doe on the side of a road. Even if one deer is spotted, it is important to let it leave completely and check for any other companions. Using high beams makes it easier to scare off or find deer, but is not an option when there are cars coming the opposite way. Deer whistles are also not proved to be effective. The attachable whistles have not shown a...