Pioneer woman

I was on a retreat to dig deeper into my purpose and the biggest revelation was the word PIONEER. I really resonated with that word. Perhaps it is because my father came over from Italy when he was 15 years old. His can-do, hard working experience must have rubbed off on me. He courageously learned English, got a job, a wife, started a business and created a beautiful family. As a first born, and immigrant's kid, I pretty much raised myself. When it came time for college, I applied, got accepted and was the first on both sides of my family to graduate from college. I packed up my Chevy Chevette and drove off to college, waving to my Mom, who was standing on the doorstep. Although there were offers, I chose to work at the family business. I took over the auto body shop at age 26 without really thinking about what I was getting into. As it turns out, very few women manage, much less, own an auto body shop! After having been married for 13 ye...