Hybrid vehicles

We hear a lot of talk about hybrid vehicles, but the question most of us want to know: How do hybrid vehicles really work? These cars have two motors, one electric and one gas powered, and they work together to save gas and reduce emissions. Since there are two engines, the gas powered one can be smaller, thereby saving fuel costs. The common hybrids today use a generator as the main power plant. The gasoline engine turns the generator, which in turn, can either charge the batteries or power the electric motor that drives the transmission. During acceleration, the electric motor aids the gas engine. During deceleration and when the vehicle is stopped, the engine shuts off. This can be disconcerting the first few times you drive a hybrid. The vehicle is so quiet, it is as though the motor stalled. Employees of Bertolli's have received proper training in safely repairing hybrid vehicles. As when the air bags first came out, there will be a learning curve until the next innovation comes along. Flying cars anyone?


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