Insurance company warranty on auto body repairs??

One of the ways that an insurance company will 'steer' a customer to a specific shop is the use of manipulative statements.  Some we've heard is that the shop is not on our List, so you may have to pay out of pocket for some of the repairs, since THAT shop is SO expensive!  Another is that there may be a delay in the repair time because we have to go out to that shop and INSPECT the vehicle. 
But the most comical statement is that the insurance company will guarantee the work if you use one of the shops on their List.  Since when is the insurance company set up to fix shoddy work?
We are not on any insurance Lists (although we would be if the agreement was fair), and for some reason, customers bring their vehicles to us after having used the shop on the the List.  We understand that in order to make any money at the shops on the List, some corners may have to be cut.  Or maybe the technicians are paid on commission (flat rate), so they hurry repairs and thus make mistakes.  All I can say is that in each case, the insurance company PAID us to do the repairs, and their "warranty" is to make the original shop reimburse the insurance company.
Keep in mind these 'benefits' to using a shop on the List the next time you have an insurance claim.  Save yourself a step and come directly to us for a no obligation, free estimate.


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