What’s Your Color?

Submitted by guest writer, Tyler Pendleton

When you’re looking for a car, you want everything to be perfect. You want the right model, the right MPG, the right price most importantly, but what about the right color? Does a certain colored car help us in any way?

On a slow moving street, some people text, and others look at the cars around them. When you see one that catches your eye, you like the car a little more. Or an advertisement on a cool looking car makes you pay more attention to it. A car's paint job is like a person's clothing, it classifies you in your own way. An orange and black car in the San Francisco Bay Area may show a Giants fan driving, or a flat black car could show importance on the inside. Many colors relate to different ideas in your brain.

So when you’re getting the perfect car why do you choose the color you want?  It’s because your brain has its own theories on what colors “look good to you.” When you see something that triggers a good memory, you like that color more, like a great day at the ocean. 

You won’t like colors that make you remember bad memories, like the colors of mold or vomit. People are given a choice between a light green car and a red one, some people choose red, and then some people choose green, because it’s all in your head. Some are repulsed, some are attracted. It’s all about the psychology of your brain.

Whatever color you choose for whatever reason, is just a part of your brain and how it wants to have the car look. And when you’re deciding between a whole lot of cars and colors, you, and only you will know which the perfect one is. So the next time, or the first time, you're shopping for a car, try and find one with the perfect color because when you do that your going to like the way it looks, I guarantee it.


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